There are universal attributes that schools and communities value. Character education is the deliberate, coordinated effort to nurture these attributes and use them as a standard against which we hold ourselves accountable.

These attributes are key aspects of school life. They bind us together and form the basis of our relationships and contribute to responsible, ethical citizenship. They are a foundation for excellence, equity and inclusive education that are essential to achieve our vision of CISS community that is respectful, safe, caring and inclusive.

At CVK the Character Education in Action program focuses on 10 attributes, with the emphasis on one per month. Each attribute is explored through a variety of classroom curriculum activities that are age and grade appropriate and culturally sensitive. All teachers address these traits through student written work and posters, book read-a-louds, classroom experiences, bulletin boards, journals, school fundraisers, social justice activities and student assemblies.

We envision an inclusive international school community where:

  • All students, parents, teachers and other members of the school community are welcomed and respected.

  • Every student is supported and inspired to succeed in a culture of high expectations for learning.

10 attributes to be put in action:

  • PEACEMAKING: We make the choice to calmly resolve conflicts and to practice actions that create an environment of acceptance and unity.
  • RESPECT: We show positive regard for and acceptance of others’ thoughts, opinions, and feelings. We are inclusive and fair in our treatment of others.
  • RESPONSIBILITY: We demonstrate self-discipline, self-control, reliability and are accountable for our choices, words, and actions. We take care of others and our environment. 
  • PERSEVERANCE: We demonstrate the effort and determination to complete a task to the best of our ability and to stick to that task even when it is difficult.
  • CARING: We show kindness, compassion, empathy, and friendship towards others.
  • OPTIMISM: We have a positive attitude, the resiliency to bounce back from adversity, and hope for the future. We do our part to make the world a better place.
  • INTEGRITY: We are honest, trustworthy and genuine in that our actions match our words. 
  • COURAGE: We have the strength and ability to face challenges even when it might be difficult or unpopular. We take initiative in that we act without being prompted by others. 
  • COOPERATION: We work together as a team to achieve a common goal or purpose.
  • GRATITUDE: We demonstrate a thankful and appreciative attitude, and focus on the ways in which we are fortunate.



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